BIO JAMI d.o.o. - natural treatment


PLANTS T-1 and T-2

PLANTS T-1 and T-2

NATURAL HEALING FROM ALL TYPES OF TUMORS AND LEUKEMIA RETURN TO NATURE, - it is the future of health and longevity, and it is created in Dubrava near Vrbovec - BIO JAMI d.o.o., where from our own BIO production and processing we create natural products that can help with all types and stages of tumors, leukemia and diabetes.It is of inestimable value that operations, chemotherapy, radiation and other aggressive hospital therapies can be avoided in this way, most of them will not need to go to hospitals and clinics, but will be treated in the comfort and safety of their own home without pain, stress and side effects and often with returning to a healthy state as before the illness. We ask all users of HERBS FOR TUMORS T-1 and T-2 to communicate with us constantly via e-mail: in order to make the most of the potential of medicinal plants and defeat the most sinister diseases. It may be the future of treatment. The price of therapy for a month is EUR 1,000.

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The plants D can help in managing Type 2 diabetes, and to some extent Type 1 diabetes in such a manner that the amount of synthetic drugs used in diabetes treatment is graudally reduced, even insulin,  and the amount of my natural capsules PLANTS D is increased compensating and stimulating the production of insulin and regenerating the pancreas, which may provide even complete cure for some individuals. It is especially important for Type 1 diabetes in children when it starts to develop, and if PLANTS D are administered early enough, the development of Type 1 diabetes may be completely stopped and the function of pancreas normalized within a few months. With Type 1 and Type 2, the plants also have beneficial effect on digestive and urinary tract, they improve blood count, reduce fats and stress. The price of the therapy for one month is 500 Euro, with advance payment. The therapy should be preferably taken before three main meals and before going to sleep, 2-4 capsules and 1-2 juices, if necessary. Please, place your order via e-mail: to stay constantly in touch in order to manage diabetes to the largest extent, or even to help some individuals to be cured. 

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